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GSOUZA Groupie

Joined: October 20 2006 Location: Brazil
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Posted: December 15 2006 at 13:27 | IP Logged
Hello, i found this on another forum.
Smarthome SDM 308 download
i dont know the diferences.
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ginigma Senior Member

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Posted: December 17 2006 at 14:30 | IP Logged
I believe this is public info:
Revision 308 - 05/Dec/06 7pm PST
+ fixes the Windows shutdown issue.
(previously) Revision 307 - 21/Nov/06 11pm PST
+ uses devices.xml (rather than models.txt) to interpret/ping/add devices, allowing for much more flexibility.
+ adds OnNakEventReceived ActiveX callback to indicate NAKs from devices.
+ stability: in rare steps (resending database data to multiple, but repeting devices within a 5 minute period), the MSB may be lost
by the device's firmware. So, SDM now resends the MSB before poking and peeking data to ensure correct addressing.
+ canping/ping now return valid data for the PLC's ID (same ID) also, by reading data rather than sending an INSTEON msg to itself.
+ data validation now exists for reading remote device databases. (first valid bytes on remote databases are [$E2,$A2,$62,$22,$E0,$A0,$60,$20]),
and the 7th byte is 00 to $1F and the 8th byte is $00 to $08. If data is bad, it is reread up to 5 times then aborts read.
+ ping/canping now add the ID to the database (if missing) in order to hear the requested broadcast.
+ using the new xdevices.xml, reads the cargo data of keypads and controlincs and sends that data across during spidering.
+ new command 'isxdevicesloaded' returns true if it is.
+ DM= initial line affixed with 'xdevices=true' when present.
+ new command 'loadxdevices=<filename>' to reload, if needed (auto loads at startup).
+ getmodelstringfordevice command now auto adds id to retrieve its info.
+ commands (getRemoteGroupRecord, setRemoteGroupRecord, getPresetDim, setPresetDim, getRampRate, setRampRate)
now have a 9th parameter with is the databyte to be saved in the record.
+ icon=hide and icon=show are fixed
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GSOUZA Groupie

Joined: October 20 2006 Location: Brazil
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Posted: December 18 2006 at 10:15 | IP Logged
Hello, I installed this 308 and had some problems with power-home loading the old 278 and the new 308 together.
I copied the 308 over 278 folder in PH and now its running OK. one minnor problem is that i cant download core application to PLC. it gives an error saying file not found.
everything else works fine.
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: December 18 2006 at 16:29 | IP Logged
308 is just the latest version of the SDM. It may help with problems that users are having with the PLC locking up and requiring a power reset to clear. It may not. The current version included with PowerHome is 278 and seems to be the cause of the lockups since the prior 235 version did not exhibit this behaviour. I will put together a download of 235 so people with the PLC lockups can give it a try.
When upgrading SDM's with PowerHome, shutdown PowerHome and rename the Device Manager directory beneath the PowerHome directory. Then install the new SDM. Copy or move the Device Manager directory that is installed to beneath the PowerHome directory and then manually launch the SDM3.exe program. This builds all the proper registry entries, etc. that PowerHome needs. Then just be sure and copy over the timercoreapp12.slb file that is in the original PowerHome SDM directory. This should solve your download core app problem.
Gustavo, if you've been experiencing the PLC lockup problem, please post back if 308 helps or not.
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GSOUZA Groupie

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Posted: December 19 2006 at 08:26 | IP Logged
i did exactly what you said and now everything is working fine. the problem with missing file is corrected too.
since yesterday, no lookups yet.
i noted that there is a file called timercoreapp.slb without the 12 on it name. same size (5K). is there any diferences for timercoreapp12.slb ? or just the name?
i will compare the two files to check it.
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: December 26 2006 at 12:30 | IP Logged
Earlier versions of the SDM always included a way older version of the TimerCoreApp always with the same name. I don't know if they've started including the latest version or not as I always delete it in the PowerHome distribution in order to avoid confusion.
How has your testing with 308 gone? Does it seem more reliable and fixes the problems with the PLC lockups (which ultimately leads to the multiple SDM syndrome)? Ive got to decide which version of the SDM to release with the the version of PowerHome and your feedback will be useful.
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GSOUZA Groupie

Joined: October 20 2006 Location: Brazil
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Posted: December 26 2006 at 22:21 | IP Logged
Dave, no lookups yet.
for me, you can release with 308. no problem.
ps. Happy New Year for ALL !!!
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: December 30 2006 at 18:57 | IP Logged
Appreciate the feedback.
Has anyone else been using the 308 SDM and had their PLC lockup problems go away?
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moniputer Groupie

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Posted: December 30 2006 at 19:48 | IP Logged
308 SDM working fine.
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Dean Senior Member

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Posted: December 30 2006 at 23:10 | IP Logged
I have not had a problem with SDM 308 since I installed it:
PowerHome Uptime: 11 days 22 hours 31 minutes 37 seconds
Windows Uptime: 17 days 10 hours 50 minutes 49 seconds
Any easy way to include multiple SDM options during install so a user can select between two or more versions of the SDM to install?
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GSOUZA Groupie

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Posted: January 10 2007 at 22:40 | IP Logged
no more lookups.
308 working fine
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jdh2424 Newbie

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Posted: January 11 2007 at 10:48 | IP Logged
I downloaded the new version 308 and I am still getting lock ups. It seems to run any where between 2-3 days before it locks up. Is there a log file or something I can look at to determine the cause?
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Dean Senior Member

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Posted: January 11 2007 at 23:08 | IP Logged
SDM 308 has been working great for me so far. Haven't had a lockup since I installed it.
PowerHome Uptime: 23 days 22 hours 31 minutes 51 seconds
Windows Uptime: 29 days 10 hours 55 minutes 24 seconds
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: January 15 2007 at 20:57 | IP Logged
42 days, 23 hours so far. No probs.
Jared, I don't know of any log other than the SDM log itself. If you bring the SDM to the foreground, you should have an option to save the log which you can then forward to me and I can see if there is anything I can spot.
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GadgetGuy Super User

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Posted: November 30 2009 at 17:50 | IP Logged
Just added a SimpleHomeNet EZIO40 4-port output Insteon device to my home automation to control humidity.
Since I'm using the 2412U PLM I had not installed the SmartHome Device Manager, thus when I loaded the SimpleHomeNet Utility Suite it would not connect to the PLM. I tried a 2414U PLC instead, but that would not connect either.
Then attempted to load the SmartHome Device Manager (tried both releases 235 and 308 with same results) but get a installer error comment on my XP system.
The error states. . .
"Cannot prepare main package. Probably corrupted package, incorrect TMP/TEMP variables or there is no execute permission for temporary folder."
I have re-downloaded the installer package three times but always with the same result. I am the administrator for my machine, so stumpped at the permission issues.
Lee, Dave says you're familiar with the SimpleHomeNet stuff. Any ideas?
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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grif091 Super User

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Posted: November 30 2009 at 19:18 | IP Logged
I am familiar with the SHN Utility Suite. Unfortunately this is some problem with the Smartlabs Device Manager install process. The Utility interfaces through the SDM3 like just about every application that supports a PLC but does not install the SDM3.
As I suggested on your SHN forum post, try using XP to uninstall the Device Manager, then install the .308 level. I use the Utility almost every day but it is not necessary for Powerhome to use EZIO4O. It uses an internal PLM which has a standard linear format link database that Powerhome can read and write. Is there something specific you are looking at the Utility for.
__________________ Lee G
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GadgetGuy Super User

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Posted: December 01 2009 at 08:10 | IP Logged
grif091 wrote:
Is there something specific you are
looking at the Utility for.
I am trying to set up a EZIO40 (4 relay outputs) from
SimpleHomeNet to control my humidifier so I can use PH
and the outside temp to modulate my home humidity.
I tried linking the EZIO40 in PH but it does respond, so
I wondered if PH will actually link the device.
To find out I installed the SimpleHomeNet Utility (SHNU)
and since I am using a PLM with PH, unplugged it and put
my PLC back in and then tried to install the SDM so I
could use the SHNU, but as outlined previously I cannot
get the install to work.
BTW-I'm not sure I understand your info re: installing
the SDM. You indicated "uninstall the Device Manager,
then install the .308 level"
I do not have a Device Manager showing in my Add/Delete
Pgms so can not un-install. I did go thru the Registry
and Program Folder though and removed all traces that I
could find from older times (when I did have it installed
I have been trying to install the 308 release
(SetupSmarthomeDeviceManager3-308.exe) which I downloaded
from two different sources (after I got the possible
corrupted file error messages). They all instantly give
me the install error message.
Actually if PH does create links to the EZIO40 then I
really don't need the SHNU. It just dawned on me I was
using a (Group=1, Button=0) link definition. Maybe it
needs a Button=1 for relay 1. I'll try that.
Edited by GadgetGuy - December 01 2009 at 08:13
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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GadgetGuy Super User

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Posted: December 01 2009 at 08:43 | IP Logged
Just thinkin'
I don't need any timers or fancy stuff with the EZIO40. Just want to turn it on/off.
If I can get it to link with PH then I'm a happy camper. As I recall from my EZIO8T install some time back, I couldn't establish PH linking until I initially did a manual link!
Can't seem to link the EZIO40 though, even with the manual proceedure. Although in the Links Tab of PH it claims I have 2 "Resp Rec#" which would seem to indicate that PH thinks there are several link records.
I'm only linking this device to the PLM, so to manually link I pressed the Linking Button on the PLM for 10 seconds then the EZIO40 for 4 secs (as instructed). The process seemed to go correctly, but the end result is that using the Control Button in the Devices Tab of the Insteon Explorer window I still can't seem to turn any EZIO40 relays on or off.
Edited by GadgetGuy - December 01 2009 at 08:45
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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BeachBum Super User

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Posted: December 01 2009 at 08:45 | IP Logged
GadgetGuy wrote:
I'm not sure I understand your info re: installing
the SDM. You indicated "uninstall the Device Manager,
then install the .308 level" |
I think what Lee was referring to is launch SDM 308 before you start the utility by double clicking on it. Maybe even rename the other one so it cannot be found if for some reason there is a pointer to it. Your right, it will not show up in the ADD/REMOVE Prgms list.
__________________ Pete - X10 Oldie
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GadgetGuy Super User

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Posted: December 01 2009 at 08:58 | IP Logged
BeachBum wrote:
I think what Lee was referring to is launch SDM 308 before you start the utility by. . .
As I posted several posts above, I cannot launch 308. When I try to run the executable I get a fatal installer error comment about "corrupted file/missing permissions" neither of which make sense as I have redownloaded the installer three times from different sources all with same results and I am the Administrator of my (XP) system.
So. I'm unable to even get to first base. If I can solve this issue then I'm good to go.
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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