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Subject Topic: Poll the status of the IOLInc Sensor? Post ReplyPost New Topic
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Posted: September 30 2021 at 14:32 | IP Logged Quote jeffw_00

Hi - I'm thinking the IOLinc must know if its sensor is currently Open
or Closed. Is there a way I can use PH to ask it?

I have this issue where the IOLinc on my Garage Door opener isn't
completely reliable. When the door closes (and the signal comes
near the end of the travel, rather than at the beginning when it
opens). I don't always get a message (and there is no guaranteed
handshake for sensors) from the IOLinc that the door sensor
changed state. So sometimes PH thinks the door is still open even
though it's closed. (I have a FilterLinc on the opener, but...).   So
after an interval, PH will send a message reminding me to close the
door - but before PH sends that message, if it could check the
current status of the sensor, it could discover the door is closed and
cancel the erroneous message.

Is there some function (some form of ph_insteonwithret maybe) I
can use to poll the SENSOR side of the IOLinc?   Thanks!

Edited by jeffw_00 - September 30 2021 at 14:34
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Posted: October 03 2021 at 10:02 | IP Logged Quote jeffw_00


Edited by jeffw_00 - October 03 2021 at 10:08
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Posted: October 03 2021 at 10:24 | IP Logged Quote jeffw_00

I found this thread ns-

apparently upon being polled, the IOLINC responds with
OPEN: cmd1 0x03 cmd2 0x01
CLOSED: OPEN: cmd1 0x03 cmd2 0x00

So in PH, a Set System command with ID [LOCAL9] and Formula

Returns a 1 into LOCAL9 when closed, and a 0 when open.

So yes, you can poll!

Powerhome rules!

Edited by jeffw_00 - October 03 2021 at 12:59
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Posted: October 03 2021 at 15:18 | IP Logged Quote dhoward


Sorry I missed the original post. Yes, as you've discovered, you can poll the status of the input.


Will return 1 if the input is closed and 0 if the input is open.

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