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sparky Newbie

Joined: April 25 2006
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Posted: May 09 2006 at 17:48 | IP Logged
I have been letting PH do a few simple timed macros over the past few weeks to turn Insteon lights on and off.
This morning one of the lights did not come on as usual. I have an "on" and an "off" macro for that light. Looking through the event log I see:
Execute Timed Event: ... action FISH LIGHTS ON
Macro: Macro FISH LIGHTS ON executed
Insteon Out: ... ID: FISH LIGHTS, On
Then at the proper off time I see:
Execute Timed Event: ... action FISH LIGHTS OFF
There is no "Insteon In" acknowledge for the Insteon Out, and if I look in the System Status in the Execution Queue, I see:
Macro & nbsp;FISH LIGHST OFF
Is this just simply an unacknowledged insteon command, and if so, how do I deal with this?
I'm running version
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sparky Newbie

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Posted: May 09 2006 at 20:58 | IP Logged
OK - one more bit. Just looked again at PH and the PowerHome Status Execution Queue is showing the next two macros which should have turned on two other lights, but the lights did not come on. The queue looks like:
Type String1 String 2 Int 1 Int 2
Resume Macro FISH LIGHTS ON 1 0
Macro FISH LIGHTS OFF &nb sp; 0 0
Why did the first macro get stuck (or pause?), and how do I resume?
Edited by sparky - May 09 2006 at 21:07
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: May 11 2006 at 14:07 | IP Logged
It appears that PowerHome is somehow "hung" in that it isnt processing the execution queue. I see that the FISH LIGHTS ON must be using the Wait command since it is a resumed macro, but it's possible that something else in the macro is causing the system to "hang".
The only other thing that would usually cause a hang like this would be triggers with the "immediate" action style that should instead be set for "queued".
I would first check my triggers and verify that they are all set for "queued". If that looks ok, then post the details of the FISH LIGHTS ON macro and I'll see what I can find out.
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sparky Newbie

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Posted: June 10 2006 at 15:10 | IP Logged
Sorry for not getting back on this sooner - I was out of the state for several weeks.
I found that other macros are getting hung in the queue, so it's not unique to the "fish lights on" macro. It appears my communications with the PLC is getting stuck somehow. I've attempted a reinitialize several times in PH, but that doesn't help. If I exit PH, then restart, that doesn't work either. If I log out as a user (Windows XP), and restart PH, that works OK.
So the last time the queue was stuck, I exited PH and looked in the windows task manager for anything odd. I found the task "x10nets.exe" running, which I killed. When I restarted PH, everything was OK. This just happened the last time, so I'm not sure if "x10nets.exe" is always the problem.
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TonyNo Moderator Group

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Posted: June 10 2006 at 21:15 | IP Logged
A quick Google...
This gets installed with the ActiveHome Professional software from X10 and is used to communicate to the remote control devices of this package.
10nets.exe is a process belonging to X10 video streaming devices.
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sparky Newbie

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Posted: June 10 2006 at 22:21 | IP Logged
I was using activehome before PH, but uninstalled it all. Also I never had any video devices, so I'm not sure why it's showing up now. I'll look around more carefully for other activehome remnants in case the uninstall wasn't complete enough.
I'll watch to see if PH gets stuck again and what the symptoms are.
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: June 11 2006 at 21:07 | IP Logged
Keep me posted and let me know what you find out. As Tony pointed out the X10NETS.EXE is nothing PowerHome related. Ive found that ActiveHome does not usually completely remove itself and can cause a lot of problems.
However, I wouldnt expect this program to interfere with the Insteon PLC. Now if you had a CM11A connected as well, then possibly. But if you've got only an Insteon PLC, then I wouldnt think so.
Make sure that you've got the -4 patch as well. Prior to the -4 patch, there were rare occurences where the execution queue could hang when an unacknowledged Insteon command was sent out.
Let me know,
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sparky Newbie

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Posted: June 14 2006 at 22:37 | IP Logged
This looks like it's not so simple. PH queue locked up again, so I looked through the task list - nothing unusual. At this point all the old Activehome stuff is gone (removed, deleted, etc.).
When I restarted, I get a popup window saying the Insteon PLC is not responding, commands will not be sent. I tried restarting PH, loging out as a user, and even restarting my PC. I then tried unplugging/plugging in the PLC which worked. I've done enough things that I'm not certain of what helps. Can it be that the PLC USB link is flaky? Would that hang the execution queue? Is there a way to exercise the PLC link? How about when it gets stuck, can I determine if the USB link is dead or another task is getting in the way??
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: June 16 2006 at 14:25 | IP Logged
What you described makes perfect sense. One of the current crop of problems that SmartHome is working to fix is problems with the PLC. While not as common as the SDM locking up, the PLC will definately sometimes lock up and can only be "cleared" by unplugging it.
Usually, if something locks up, the first thing I would do is restart the SDM. Most of the time, this is the culprit. You may want to try the new 226/227 SDM version. Initial reports are showing that this is much more stable than previous versions. If you still have a problem and PowerHome says that it cant communicate with the PLC (and the SDM is running), try unplugging the PLC.
Things should get better real soon. SmartHome is actively working to solve these types of problems and we should be seeing a new firmware release for the PLC along with some more SDM versions.
How often does this problem seem to occur? It's possible, that your PLC is defective, but if this is only a problem every 3 to 5 days, then you're in the same boat as everyone else.
Let me know,
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sparky Newbie

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Posted: June 18 2006 at 21:03 | IP Logged
My PLC is locking up. If I try a PH restart, it appears that it fires off SDM. When the connection is not made, another SDM is started and the first one is killed (or something close to this). Also, if I kill SDM manually, same thing - I still don't get a connection. When I unplug/replug the PLC, it clears up and all works OK.
If I click the "About Smarthome Device Manager" menu, I never get anything, so I can't tell what version I'm running. Also after poking around the Smarthome web site, it looks like I have to use Smarthome Timer Software to get an update. I can't find anywhere to get new versions of the SDM directly.
This lockup does happen around 3 to 5 days, so I guess that's it...
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: June 19 2006 at 16:10 | IP Logged
The version of the SDM is in the SDM Title of the main window . The last set of numbers after the decimal is what most people reference.
You can get the latest version of the SDM from this thread: dm. Be sure and follow the directions, particularly the part where you need to manually launch the SDM3.exe once before starting PowerHome.
This seems to be working wonders for other users so far so may be just what you need.
Let me know if you have any problems,
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sparky Newbie

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Posted: June 19 2006 at 19:06 | IP Logged
According to your instructions, I've upgraded from version to version Did I have a very old version since the third number was 26 versus 79? Just curious. I'll give this a try for a while and see if it works better.
Sorry for beating this to death - but - you say the SDM version is in the SDM title of the main window. Is this PH or SDM? I can't find anything within PH, and SDM does not and has never displayed a window. Even if I start SDM manually, I just get a minimized icon on the toolbar. The menu associated with the icon has an "About Smarthome Device Manager" selection, but it doesn't work. I got the versions of the files from Windows XP file properties.
The thread you reference above to get the new version says "Verify at the top that the version is 226". Is this talking about a window that SDM opens?
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TonyNo Moderator Group

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Posted: June 19 2006 at 19:36 | IP Logged
Yes, if you click on the SDM icon in the system tray, the window will open.
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sparky Newbie

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Posted: June 19 2006 at 19:49 | IP Logged
duhh! I'm so used to right-clicking for a menu to choose from. That works fine...
I would think that the right-click menu with the choice "About Smarthome Device Manager" should show it too, but it doesn't do anything - oh well!
Thanks for the help. I'll see how well this version holds up.
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