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Will M Newbie

Joined: October 25 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: October 25 2001 at 16:13 | IP Logged
I d/l'd the software yesterday, installed the main prg, then the speech modules in sequence.
Every time I launch, it gets part way through "accessing main frame," and rolls out with an error in msvcrt.dll.
I searched my system, and copied the newest version of the dll existant to the windows/system dir, but this persists.
I'm running Win ME on a P-166MMX w/ 64MB of RAM.
Any ideas?
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dhoward Admin Group

Joined: June 29 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: October 25 2001 at 21:17 | IP Logged
From what I can find on the newsgroups, it appears that Windows ME has some incompatibilities with the Microsoft SAPI 4 runtimes. The first thing I would try is uninstalling the Microsoft Speech and TTS programs from Add/Remove programs in the Control Panel. I doubt this will fix your problem because it appears you have a DLL incompatibility, but its better to remove it as a variable. The MSVCRT.DLL is also dependent upon the MFC40.dll. You can find what versions of each that you have by right-clicking them under Windows Explorer, selecting properties and looking at the Version tab. Another possible conflict can arise from multiple versions of the DLL in multiple places on your hard drive. Your best bet may be to copy both MSVCRT.DLL and MFC40.DLL from another Windows ME machine.
Also, what is the error you're getting, GPF, invalid page fault, etc? If you can, post what versions of the DLL that you have and I might be able to assist you further.
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Will M Newbie

Joined: October 25 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: October 25 2001 at 22:23 | IP Logged
MFC40.dll is v., dated 6/8/2000, and MSVCRT.dll is 6.1.8637.0 with the same date.
The error isn't given as anything more specific than "caused an error".
Also, removal of the SR engine didn't have any effect, as you surmised..
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: October 25 2001 at 22:57 | IP Logged
I was mistaken with MFC40.dll. The file that should be matched to the MSVCRT.dll is MFC42.dll. I believe the version that goes with your version of the runtime is 6.0.8665.0. Im not that familiar with ME. Do you have a system32 directory like Win2K? You appear to have multiple versions of the runtime since you copied to the system directory. Would it be possible to temporarily rename all msvcrt and mfc42 dll's except for the ones in the system directory? Also, how old is your ME installation? The msvcrt.dll is used by numerous programs as well as the OS. Have you experienced any other programs with problems?
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Will M Newbie

Joined: October 25 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: October 26 2001 at 00:03 | IP Logged
MFC42.DLL is v 6.0.8665.0.
I renamed all but the instances in the windows/system dir, with no effect.
This install isn't very old.. I leveled and reformatted about two months ago.
I have seen occasional errors with msvcrt.dll, but only sporadically..
There is a system32 dir, but it contains nothing but a subdirectory titled "drivers."
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: October 26 2001 at 00:18 | IP Logged
Im going to Email you a different version of MSVCRT.DLL and MFC42.DLL. I would like you to try initially putting them in your PowerHome directory (default c:\program file\powerhome) and try running PowerHome. Failing that, try renaming the dll's in the system directory and then copying there.
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Will M Newbie

Joined: October 25 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: October 26 2001 at 00:41 | IP Logged
Ok.. Hopefully, it'll work
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Will M Newbie

Joined: October 25 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: October 26 2001 at 12:56 | IP Logged
It's still doing it.
I am going to redownload the install, on the theory that there was a problem the first time..
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Will M Newbie

Joined: October 25 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: October 26 2001 at 15:11 | IP Logged
Nope, same as before. Installing to the default directory didn't affect it either.
Could it be one of the msvcrtxx.dll files? (xx=10, 20 and 40)
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dhoward Admin Group

Joined: June 29 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: October 26 2001 at 18:57 | IP Logged
Will, not sure after this. Im going to be gaining access to a Millenium machine this weekend and will install PowerHome and run some tests and see what I can turn up. Hopefully I'll be able to determine what's necessary or find out if it's just not compatible. I should know something on Sunday.
If anyone has successfully installed PowerHome on Windows Millenium, please post or email me and let me know.
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