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TonyNo Moderator Group

Joined: December 05 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: December 13 2004 at 22:02 | IP Logged
When editing a screen, don't think that if you hit the close button, and even say yes to a save, that it will get saved! You need to specifically select save for it to happen.
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dhoward Admin Group

Joined: June 29 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: December 14 2004 at 09:29 | IP Logged
I just checked it out and couldnt reproduce it. I was able to get it to save everytime. (I did have to close and reopen the Control Center to see the changes).
Hmmm...what I just typed also got me to thinking. I checked out the code and also couldnt find where it would not save changes. If it pops up a box asking you to save changes and you answer "yes", then they should be saved. However, I did discover what might be a cause for confusion.
There are two tables for the Control Center, CCBUTTONS and CCBUTTONSTEMP (there is also CCTABS, but that only describes the tabs and not the buttons). The client CC and the web CC are both pulled from the CCBUTTONSTEMP table. Changes made to the CC with the ph_setcc?? functions are only made to the CCBUTTONSTEMP table. Design changes are only made to the CCBUTTONS table. Changes made to the CCBUTTONSTEMP table are lost when the CCBUTTONSTEMP table is refreshed from the CCBUTTONS table (basically the CCBUTTONS table is copied to the CCBUTTONSTEMP table). The CCBUTTONSTEMP table refresh is controlled by a setting in the Explorer under Setup->Control Center->Auto Clear Changes. You can set this so that the CCBUTTONSTEMP table is refreshed "Never", "At Startup", "At CC Open", and "At Startup and CC Open". There is also a formula function ph_ccclearchgs() that allows the user to clear temporary changes made by ph_setcc?? function and copy over the CCBUTTONS table at their discretion.
What this basically means is that any changes made to the CC using the Design screen will not be visible to either the web CC or the client CC until the CCBUTTONSTEMP table is refreshed. The refresh only occurs when the ph_ccclearchgs function is executed or possible at startup, CC open (client CC), or both.
Im thinking about how I can best improve the functionality and am faced with several problems. If I go ahead and automatically refresh the CCBUTTONSTEMP table when Design changes are saved, anyone who is using the ph_ccset?? functions will lose their changes to the CCBUTTONSTEMP table. I could try to just save the Design changes to both the CCBUTTONS table and CCBUTTONSTEMP table but would encounter problems if saving Design changes to a tab that were already modified using the ph_setcc?? functions. Im thinking the best thing to do at the moment is to modify the "Save Changes" dialog and add a checkbox whether or not you want to refresh the CCBUTTONSTEMP table (of course without this lengthy explanation, most people wont know what it even means).
In any event, Im open to any ideas anyone has on how they would like this functionality improved. I think the above may also be the underlying problem with saving 
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TonyNo Moderator Group

Joined: December 05 2001 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 2889
Posted: December 14 2004 at 09:57 | IP Logged
Well, I think that means you found something! I'll digest this tonight. I think I know what I need to do.
My intent was to make the CC more of a "touch" interface for PH, complete with status text and such. For example, I added a button and sized it to act as a text box, then, I change the button text as necessary. Works OK, but, the above info should make it better.
Thanks - Tony
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